THE LIGHT SHINES IN THE DARKNESS AND THE DARKNESS DOES NOT OVERCOME IT (JOHN 1.5) To free captives from prison and to release from the dungeon those who sit in darkness. (Isaiah 42.7)

Monday, October 31, 2011

psalm 34 vs 7

The street was busy as usual, girls we knew had no time to talk as they hurried from the restaurants to start work.  We went on undeterred and prayer walked, we read scripture, sang songs both songs we knew and spiritual songs.  We supplicated for the land Jeremiah 3.2.  The land having behind polluted by prostitution. 

The mafia boss that owned 2 brothels and was running other illegal businesses in the area, watched us, amused and puzzled by this band of western housewives wandering around with strange books in their hands.  He watched as they greeted him and continued around the block for about the 4th time that night.  He asked a question in his heart.  "Why are these women not afraid to come here?" just that simple question, then customers arrived and he became busy and forgot all about we had been there.

In the early hours of the morning around 4 am he finally went to sleep.  Sleep was often a problem for him, he was tormented with insomnia and slept often with one eye open in case of raids by the police or other mafia gangs, but that night was different he went to sleep quickly and soon began to dream.....

The next week he saw us coming from a distance and came out of his brothel to greet us and asked for an appointment with us.  We went to a local tea shop and sat drinking tea as he secured the place that no one was listening.  He told us about the question he had asked last week and he then told us about his dream...

"  I saw the 3 of you walking down the street with boldness then I saw walking behind you was a creature or man I don't know, he was head and shoulders taller that everyone else around and was very strong.  But the strange thing was he had wings and his wing span was so wide it touched either side of the street and the ends of his wings where around you 3, who and what is that?" he asked.

Being a man in the mafia he understood all about protection and wanted to know who this was that we had as our protector, with tears in my eyes I showed him Psalm 34 and told him about The Angel of the Lord, without anyone else knowing, God had answered the question in his heart of why we were not afraid and God had singlehandedly won this man with a personal revelation of His Glory.  He received the Lord right there in the tea shop and over the next few months we watched him slowly close one brothel and then the other and return to his home town to start a new life. 

I told him before he left that God had spoken to us through his dream and it would be something we would remember wherever we went in the future.  His dream became a springboard for future boldness to go into new areas and even darker passageways,  because of this confidence "The angel of the Lord encamps around those that fear him and delivers them"  Glory to God.

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